TAB 1 - tpNieuw 1. Country of origin:* Loading… Country Please submit your passport nationality 2. Country of residence:* Loading… Country Please submit the country where you currently reside 2a. Moving toThe Netherlands:* yes no Select Yes if you will register with a Municipality in The Netherlands. Select No if you intend to commute cross border. 3. Duration of stay:* 90 days or less longer than 90 days The type of visa or permit needed depends on your duration of stay. A short stay (<90 days) has less formalities 4. Function:* Invalid value Loading… Please submit the applicable job function 5. Employment:* Paid Not paid Only select paid if you are on pay roll of Leiden University next >> TAB 3 - tpUitkomst mail advies << previous Loading… Loading… Loading… Attention Loading…
TAB 1 - tpNieuw 1. Country of origin:* Loading… Country Please submit your passport nationality 2. Country of residence:* Loading… Country Please submit the country where you currently reside 2a. Moving toThe Netherlands:* yes no Select Yes if you will register with a Municipality in The Netherlands. Select No if you intend to commute cross border. 3. Duration of stay:* 90 days or less longer than 90 days The type of visa or permit needed depends on your duration of stay. A short stay (<90 days) has less formalities 4. Function:* Invalid value Loading… Please submit the applicable job function 5. Employment:* Paid Not paid Only select paid if you are on pay roll of Leiden University next >> TAB 3 - tpUitkomst mail advies << previous Loading… Loading… Loading… Attention Loading…